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Industrial hemp track record.

Industrial designer Bevan Suits has been at the forefront of hemp since 2018. His background is promoting and developing new technologies since the early 1990s, representing major museums, corporations and universities. 


The challenge with hemp is perception. nVision brings together integrated multi-disciplinary teams to advance the global opportunity that hemp represents for the environment and economies. 


We combine communications with expertise from a carefully developed network of leaders in a variety of fields. 


Since 2018, much has happened. Hemp is still an outlier of an industry, but its value and tenacity continue to push the innovation boundaries of textiles, construction materials, paper, plastics, electronics, and now soil remediation. 

SOIL Remediation 

Hemp has been showing excellent results for cleaning toxic soils, going back to the early 1990s when Dr. Slavik Dushenkov led a team at the Chernobyl site to mitigate radiation. We have his research, and have maintained an extensive library of documents from around the world that continue to prove hemp's effectiveness.


Now in 2025, it's time to scale it up. PFAS, heavy metals and phosphorous are 3 focus areas, each with its own challenge and opportunity.


We have assembled an all-star team to showcase the value of cleaning up the soil with public demonstration projects. 


Our alignment with Georgia Tech, Colorado State University and many other labs will help guide what we grow, how we grow it and how to process the biomass into value-added supply chain. 

Hemp & Biogenic Materials are in Growth Mode, Globally.

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Government Trends

Congressional mandates are requiring sourcing of materials that meet new carbon-neutral standards. 

Corporate Trends

Major brands in textiles, automotive, plastics and packaging are demanding US-grown materials. 

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Research Trends

Materials science, electronics, construction materials and infrastructure innovations related to hemp are under way at Ga Tech, NC State, U of Nebraska, TX A&M and many others.


Panda Biotech is setting the benchmark for a new hemp fiber industry. There are several others. 

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